24/7 Emergency Call Out Services

UWDS Divers offers a fast response  Emergency Call Out Service – if you require our rescue skills quickly.

Underwater Dive Services provides a 24/7 Emergency Dive Call Out service in Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Port Hacking, Botany Bay and all lakes, rivers and dams in Greater Sydney Region for all sorts of emergencies. So if you’re stuck, give us a call and we’ll transform your problem into a solution!

Lost Phone?

Phones these days, like iPhone model 10 and above and simile can hold underwater for more than a week. And they still work!

The key to finding them is to know exactly (within a meter) where they fell in the water.

Lost Anchor?

When anchor gets unfortunately stuck, sometimes is necessary for safety or more convenient to cut it and return on a later stage to retrieve it. We can do it! It does not matter the size.

If possible, dropping a rope (minimum 1.5 the depth) with a float on one end and a weight on the other marking the exact place where it got lost. It will make the chances of recovery much higher.

Prop Fouled?

Whether the propeller got entangled on a net, bag, rope or chain is important to stop the engines and drop the anchor. We will do the rest!

Lost/Cut Off Mooring?

Someone run over the rope and cut the float/rope or a big storm and the chain/rope/shackle broke and the mooring needs to be found…We do it.

Lost Ring/Jewelry?

When losing a ring or any jewelry, the most important thing to do is not to remove/disturb the seabed of the ocean by walking around the area, swimming, diving or kicking. Just mark the location and call us!

Lost Drone?

The GPS or the closest location we can get, will impact on the chances of finding the drone.

Leaking crack/hole on the hull structure?

We attend and perform an underwater temporary seal to buy you time to organize a proper inspection and repair out of the water.

Beached Vessel

Lost Outboard Engine

NSW Maritime Compliance Notice

We operate in all areas including national parks, harbours, coastal ocean waters, rivers, lakes, creeks, ponds, tanks and pools.

The quick success of finding and retrieving the item depends highly on the exact location that you can provide closer to a meter radio. Also, to mark the location with GPS coordinates, triangulation, or even better, with a mark made by a rope (1.5 the depth) with a weight on one end and a float on the other.

Underwater Dive Services